Give and Take

Harvard Would Love What Your Church Has

Many nonprofits are incredibly jealous of your church because you get to speak to a captive audience every week. Not only that, but your church is a group of like-minded people who deeply care about the work going on through your church's ministry. Despite all of this, our churches are facing a financial challenge. This article will help you learn how to flip that narrative by adopting a sustained, robust, planned giving program to secure the financial future of your church.

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Why Church Planned Giving Programs are Essential

It can be challenging for pastors to talk to their congregation about giving money to fund the church. Some completely avoid the topic, while others, like the pastor in this article, talk ad nauseam about donating money by guilting their congregation into dropping money into the offering plate. There is a better way to have this conversation and a better plan than just raising funds through weekly offering. Planned giving allows you to have easier conversations with a much higher impact.

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Shrinking Congregations, Smaller Donations

As the church shrinks due to the passing of the baby boomers, passing the offering plate as the ONLY way to raise funds for your church will not lead to its survival. Instead of ignoring the warning signs, the church must proactively raise funds by advertising a planned giving platform. This article will show you how to start that process and engage your congregation as you set up a planned giving ministry.

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Family in the rain under umbrella

What Happens If You Die Without a Will

Do you know what happens if you die without a living will in place? The government will decide where all of your assets go. They may avoid giving assets to your family, give money in your name to nonprofits you would not back, and make guardian selections for your minor children. Instead of leaving it to the government, this article provides helpful guidance on making a will.

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King David Made the First Planned Gift

King David’s Planned Gift Built the First Temple

Planned giving is a biblical sentiment, as we see in one of the earliest examples of planned giving in the life of David. David bequeathed all the materials needed to build God’s first temple to his son Solomon. David knew that everything was God’s and was given to us so that we would steward it for God’s glory. God calls us to follow David’s example to be stewards of God’s resources and cheerful givers.

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Legacy Giving

Ten Reasons Churches Should Have a Ministry of Legacy Giving

Due to the Great Wealth Transfer, soaring costs, and a lack of financial resources from young people, it is time for all churches to create a legacy-giving ministry. There are multiple reasons why every church should have a legacy-giving ministry. This article examines the top 10 reasons why a legacy-giving plan ministry is needed.

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